On Giving Tuesday, November 28, Communities In Schools of Ohio (CIS of Ohio) will screen the documentary, The Push. This documentary was created by our CIS National Office to illustrate the work of our Site Coordinators who are in schools every day, helping students overcome the barriers they face. The Push follows the story of CIS of Atlanta student, Ja-Mez and his relationship with his Site Coordinator, and how his Site Coordinator impacted his social emotional development, decision making skills, and ultimately his future plans. We hope you’ll join us and members of our community to support the documentary and engage with the panel discussion that will follow. Movie theater style refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there – please sign up using Eventbrite. If you have questions, please e-mail the us at development@ciskids.org. Watch the trailer for The Push here.

The Columbus Foundation held The Big Table on Wednesday, October 11. This is an annual event where the city comes together and holds multiple community-wide conversations at various locations on various topics.

CIS of Ohio partnered with City Year Columbus to host a Big Table conversation about educational equity.  Our CEO, Amy Gordon along with City Year’s Executive Director, Adero Robinson, facilitated the discussion.

Click here to learn more about The Big Table via The Columbus Foundation.

We want to thank everyone who attended our Big Table event, and hope you enjoyed participating in the conversation.

On January 24, 2019 we celebrated our new location with an Open House! 

Near the end of 2018 we moved into our new office space at 6500 Busch Blvd, Suite 105 in Columbus, Ohio! We are settling into the new office space and enjoyed celebrating with our friends, colleagues and coworkers!

Some of our students provided art work for the walls!

Thanks to everyone who attended the Open House! We look forward to all that 2019 holds for us at Communities In Schools of Central Ohio!